Will I Need Liposuction During My Tummy Tuck?

Will I Need Liposuction During My Tummy Tuck?

Many people are unhappy with how their stomachs look, even with vigorous exercise and healthy diets. The unfortunate part is that diet and exercise alone may never give you the flat tummy you want.

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that offers stunning results that you're excited to show off – but is liposuction a part of the procedure? Dr. Anthony N. Dardano can help you answer that question during your initial consultation.

Dr. Dardano is a plastic and reconstructive surgery specialist in Boca Raton, Florida. He provides various body contouring procedures, including tummy tucks and liposuction.

Tummy tuck vs liposuction

A tummy tuck and liposuction are both cosmetic plastic surgery procedures that provide you with stunning results – but they're far from the same surgery.

Liposuction is a procedure that utilizes a medical-grade suction device to break up and eliminate stubborn fat under the skin. It's a great option if you have abdominal or back rolls and love handles that aren't responding to a healthy lifestyle.

However, liposuction doesn't address sagging skin or decreased muscle tone after significant weight loss or pregnancy. That's where a tummy tuck shines.

The tummy tuck procedure eliminates excess skin and tightens lax muscles to give a sculpted appearance you couldn't get alone. Both are great options for a stunning midsection, and we can combine them for the best possible results.

Do I need liposuction?

Not everyone with a tummy tuck needs liposuction, but it's an advantage for people carrying extra fat in their midsection. You may consider adding liposuction if you have exercise and diet-resistant fat along with muscle laxity and excess skin.

Liposuction addresses fat pockets deep in the abdomen that you can't eliminate with ab exercises and cardio. A tummy tuck alone won't give you the sculpted appearance you want if you're harboring extra fat in the abdominal area.

Benefits of adding liposuction to surgery

Adding liposuction to a tummy tuck procedure has many benefits. Combining both is a great option if you have exercise-resistant fat and want to eliminate excess skin.

Dr. Dardano discusses the benefits of combining the procedures at your initial appointment. The main advantages of adding liposuction to a tummy tuck include:

One surgery for both procedures

Nobody wants to go under anesthesia twice, which is a great reason to combine the procedures. When adding liposuction to the tummy tuck, you only need surgery once to have a sculpted body and eliminate stubborn fat.

One recovery period

A shorter recovery period is a definite benefit of a tummy tuck with liposuction. You only have to deal with bandages and discomfort once instead of twice if you had them both in one surgery.

Maximize results

A tummy tuck removes skin and tightens the muscles, not eliminating extra fat pockets. For optimal results, Dr. Dardano simultaneously removes resistant fat before tightening your tummy.

Eliminate stubborn fat

Exercise-resistant fat is prevalent in the abdominal area, which a tummy tuck can't address alone. Adding liposuction allows Dr. Dardano to eliminate extra fat that may keep you from a stunning, sculpted body.

Call our office in Boca Raton today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dardano to discuss a tummy tuck or liposuction. You may also send our team a message on the website.

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