What's Included in a Mommy Makeover?

Having a baby is one of the greatest gifts in life. Your body goes through a magnificent amount of changes, some beautiful and some not so pleasant. But even once your baby has been born, you’re probably wondering if your body will go ever go back to how it once was=]\\]=

Sometimes no matter how hard you diet or exercise, your baby belly just won’t go away. 86% of mothers admit their belly hasn’t returned to “normal” after 1-2 years following their pregnancy. Many women are also concerned with the positioning and shape of their breasts. 

Mommy makeovers can help boost your confidence and get your pre-baby body back in no time. Anthony N. Dardano has helped women in Boca Raton, Florida, get a flat tummy and perky breasts so they feel good about their appearance again.

Who should get a mommy makeover?

As you already know, pregnancy can take a toll on your body. Where you used to feel firm may now feel flabby. Your breasts may now sag lower than they did before. If you’ve lost a lot of your baby weight already, you may experience a good amount of loose skin.

Although these changes may be unwanted, think of how far your body adapted to become the home for your little one for eight months. It’s only normal to experience these changes, as most women gain 30 pounds or more during pregnancy.

Women of all shapes and sizes get mommy makeovers for one simple reason — to feel good about their bodies again. If it’s been over six months since you’ve given birth and you’re done having children, you may be a great candidate for a mommy makeover. 

What’s included in a mommy makeover?

Mommy makeovers are becoming more and more popular. But what exactly does it include?

The term “mommy makeover” usually describes a single-stage procedure that aims to restore your body to the shape it was before pregnancy. This may include a variety of procedures, depending on your body and the areas you’d like to address. Some of the most common procedures included in a mommy makeover are:


Anthony N Dardano, DO, FACS, has been performing plastic surgery for over 20 years to help patients look and feel their best. Dr. Dardano will inform you of how long the recovery process will be depending on what surgeries you include in your procedure.

Most patients find that they need 7-10 days of intensive healing in which they are out of work. Although you may be able to return to work afterward, you’ll still be healing from the procedure for weeks to months. You must have someone to help watch your children during your healing time, as you will not be able to perform simple tasks.

Although the healing time may sound extensive, most patients find it is well worth the wait. You’ll have the hourglass shape you once had and feel more attractive than ever.

Make a change

As a mom, it can be hard to find the time to workout and exercise. Sometimes stubborn postpartum fat just won’t go away. A mommy makeover is a serious confidence booster that can change your life. 

Call 561-202-1248 or book online to schedule your mommy makeover consultation today.

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