4 Dos and Don’ts After Getting Fillers For the First Time

4 Dos and Don’ts After Getting Fillers For the First Time

If you're finally ready to take the step and get dermal fillers, it's a good idea to do your research first. While fillers are safer and less invasive than plastic surgery, risks are still involved, and steps to take to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

Dr. Anthony N. Dardano is an aesthetics specialist who offers dermal fillers when you're looking to improve your skin's appearance without surgery. Dr. Dardano provides step-by-step instructions before your dermal filler appointment to ensure success.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a cosmetic treatment that restores fullness in your face when your skin begins to sag with aging. Different types of dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid and Poly-L-lactic acid.

Most dermal fillers are a gel-like consistency. Dr. Dardano injects these substances underneath your skin to improve several issues, including the following:

Suppose you're showing the typical signs of aging. In that case, dermal fillers are a great alternative to more invasive procedures like plastic surgery. Dr. Dardano evaluates your skin and facial contours to determine which type of filler best suits you.

What to do after getting fillers

After your first dermal filler appointment, you must follow your aftercare instructions. Our team gives clear instructions on what you should and shouldn't do while your skin heals after the injections.

A few of the steps you should take after your dermal filler appointment include the following:

1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial after your first dermal filler appointment. Drinking a lot of water helps your body heal after dermal filler injections, which enables you to see results sooner.

2. Apply ice

After your first dermal filler appointment, you may have some facial swelling and soreness. If our team says it's okay, you can apply ice to the treatment site to ease discomfort and control inflammation.

3. Take pain medication

Taking specific pain medication is okay if you feel discomfort after getting dermal fillers. Ask the team first, though, as you want to avoid anything that thins out your blood, which could lead to significant bruising.

4. Elevate your head

Keeping your head elevated helps to reduce swelling associated with dermal fillers. Stay elevated for the first 24 hours to promote healing and keep inflammation to a minimum.

Things you shouldn't do after fillers

Just as there are steps you should take after your dermal filler injection, there are also things you should avoid. Our team advises you on what you shouldn't do after your dermal filler appointment, including:

1. Don't sleep on your face

You mustn't sleep on your face for the first day or so after getting dermal fillers. Putting pressure on your face can worsen swelling and bruising after your appointment.

2. Don't apply makeup

You want to ensure you allow your skin to heal after receiving dermal fillers. Avoid applying makeup to your face or lips for at least 24 hours after your appointment to avoid complications.

3. Don't exercise right away

Something else you should avoid for at least 24 hours after you get dermal fillers is strenuous exercise or physical activity. These activities increase your blood pressure, exacerbating bruising and swelling around the injection sites.

4. Avoid hot temperatures

After your first dermal filler appointment, you want to avoid any hot and humid place. For example, don't rush to the sauna or a hot tub right after your treatment. The high heat makes swelling in your face a lot worse.

If you're ready to get your first dermal fillers, call the office in Boca Raton at 561-202-1248 to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.

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